I built a website! Yes, I know, there are a lot of websites already. But this is one that I built, not that it’s special because of that, but it does explain my excitement.
My client is the Ellensburg Homeschool Co-op, and the website is designed especially to make student registration easy for parents and administrators to deal with. Check it out at http://www.ellensburghomeschool.com.
The site was built using Ruby-on-Rails and Bootstrap, and it utilizes several services to simplify hosting and operation. * Cloudinary – stores images for account profile pictures * Mailgun – email service with HTTP API * Amazon Route 53 – domain registration and DNS * Heroku – application website hosting
This was a great opportunity to try my hand at web development and help a worthy local cause at the same. It was really a win-win. And of course, who doesn’t like building applications with Ruby? It’s always great fun.